Litter kits for Meadows First School

Meadows First School Eco Council were thrilled to receive a Keep Bromsgrove Beautiful Litter Picking kit ahead of the #GBSpringClean. 

Thanks to funding from Cllr Luke Mallett the team at Keep Bromsgrove Beautiful were able to supply the school with branded high visibility vests, litter pickers and bag holding hoops. 
Ms Date, who co-ordinates the school’s Eco Council said “We are very grateful for the litter picking kit. The children were so excited to see it all and couldn’t wait to use it. We really appreciate the support from Cllr Mallett and the team from Keep Bromsgrove Beautiful.” 
As soon as their timetable allowed the children were busy picking litter up around the school grounds and along the public footpath by the school as their contribution towards the Great Big Schools Clean which is running in conjunction with the Great British Spring Clean. 
A spokesperson from KBB said “It really is fantastic that we can support the schools with litter picking kits and help boost the activity which is already taking place. The children love to wear the high vis vests and get out to clear up the local area. There’s no doubt that this will help to change behaviour in the future.”